Disney Auto-Enrollment


Current auto-enrollment set for 01/01/2024

Certain eligible members who were regular full-time employees of Walt Disney Pictures (Walt Disney Animation Studios, Disney TV Animation, or Studio Operations), The Secret Lab (Walt Disney Animation Studio), or Marvel Film Production LLC (Marvel Studios Animation) on October 1, 2023 will be automatically enrolled into The Animation Guild’s 401(k) plan on the first pay date after January 1, 2024.

Are you about to be auto-enrolled?

You should receive two notices in the mail from Vanguard about the upcoming auto-enrollment into The Animation Guild 401(k) Plan. Here are samples of these letters:

Vanguard notice #1

Vanguard notice #2

If you don’t do anything, beginning in January 2024 you will be automatically enrolled in the Animation Guild 401(k) plan with a default deferral rate of 6% of your salary. Your default investment choice will be the Vanguard Target date fund that corresponds to your anticipated retirement date, using your birthdate and a retirement age of 65.

Don’t wait – Enroll now!

If you would like to enroll now ahead of January, that works too. Complete either the Easy Enrollment form or the more detailed Long-Format Enrollment/Change form to start (or re-start) 401(k) contributions. Follow the instructions on either form to return it to the Animation Guild office before 12/22/2023.

Easy Enrollment form

Long-Format Enrollment/Change form

Not Interested?

If you don’t want to participate in auto-enrollment in the 401(k) plan, here’s how to opt out. Complete and return the opt-out form below before 12/22/2023 to not be automatically enrolled.

Auto-Enrollment Opt-Out form

Please note – all forms must be returned to the Animation Guild office by the deadline. Do not send these forms to Disney. Please follow the directions on the form and call if you have questions. You will receive confirmation that we received your request. After submission: please contact us to confirm receipt of the form.


Previous auto-enrollment – 01/01/2022

Certain eligible members who were regular full-time employees of Walt Disney Pictures (Walt Disney Animation Studios, Disney TV Animation, or Studio Operations), The Secret Lab (Walt Disney Animation Studio), or Marvel Film Production LLC (Marvel Studios Animation) on October 1, 2021 were automatically enrolled into The Animation Guild’s 401(k) plan on the first pay date after January 1, 2022.


Previous auto-enrollment – 01/01/2019

Certain eligible members who were regular full-time employees of Walt Disney Pictures (Walt Disney Animation Studios, Disney TV Animation, or Studio Operations), The Secret Lab (Walt Disney Animation Studio), on October 1, 2018 were automatically enrolled into The Animation Guild’s 401(k) plan on the first pay date after January 1, 2019.


Were you automatically enrolled and wish to halt or change your contributions?

Use the Enrollment / Change form to change the percentage of contributions taken out of your paycheck (including reducing contributions to zero)

Note: Do not use this form to change how your funds are invested.  To change how your funds are invested contact Vanguard.

Enrollment/Change Form


For other questions regarding this issue or general 401(k) questions, call the office at (818) 845-7500 or email 401k@tag839.org.