The Timing Group has now officially been approved to become the TAG Timing Committee! The Timing Committee’s goals are to maintain dialogue among animation timing directors, monitor industry working conditions, facilitate networking opportunities, maintain outreach in cooperation with other Union Classifications, and heighten awareness and visibility of our invaluable contribution to animation productions. The Timing…
The Storyboard Committee is looking for volunteers to become Storyboard Craft Reps for their show/production. The Craft Rep pilot program was previously limited to a handful of studios, but is now being expanded to all contracted studios and productions. The goal is to find a Craft Rep volunteer on each show within each studio. Similar to…
As Crystal Kan and Jake Hollander embarked on their second annual free Portfolio Review Day on May 31, 2020, they faced one daunting challenge—a worldwide pandemic. Kan wasn’t sure how to easily manage more than 80 candidates sharing their portfolios with 30 volunteers while giving each attendee individualized attention. The solution came unexpectedly during a…
Though they can’t meet in person right now, many committees are continuing their communal work in creative ways—meeting on Zoom, posting through Facebook groups, sharing Google drive folders and more. If you have never attended a committee meeting, you might be wondering what happens and what kind of work these active volunteers are doing. Here…
Animator’s Committee We will be having our first quarter Animators meeting at the guild February 18th, also known as international wine day! As always, union and non-union animators, compositors, and FX folk are welcome to attend! Please RSVP to Color Designer Committee The Color Designer Committee has launched their new online campaign #CreditColorDesigners. Each Friday…
Animator’s Committee The Animators Committee has a meeting at the Guild hall Tuesday, February 18, 7 pm. Contact if you are interested in attending. Color Designer’s Committee We are still actively reaching out and seeking Color Designers to contribute portfolio images in order to be highlighted in our Committee’s social media campaign. Email us at Family…
Animator Committee The committee recently completed a survey with more than 100 respondents. They will be sharing their findings with the TAG community shortly. The committee will also be launching an Instagram page this January featuring the work of animators. If you would like to submit to be featured on social media, please email….
The committees have been working hard to support initiatives benefitting the TAG community and its members. Here’s a brief recap of what is going on: Animators Committee The Animators Committee completed their survey with over 100 responses and will be presenting the data at their next Animators Committee meeting at the guild hall, October 28th at…