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Committees: What are they working on?

Alexandra Drosu / March 23, 2020

Committees / no comments

Though they can’t meet in person right now, many committees are continuing their communal work in creative ways—meeting on Zoom, posting through Facebook groups, sharing Google drive folders and more.

If you have never attended a committee meeting, you might be wondering what happens and what kind of work these active volunteers are doing. Here are a few examples:

Color Designer Committee

The Color Designer Committee is dedicated to bringing pay equity to the female dominated craft of Color Design. During our 2018 contract negotiations cycle, we won a title change from Color Stylist to Color Designer, and shortened the wage schedule to Journey for Color Designers from 2 years to 1 year. More recently, as a direct result of our Committee’s efforts, a production for Adult Swim has agreed to pay their Color Designers at the same above scale rate as their Background Painters beginning this year.

We are continuing to gather and post content for our #CreditColorDesigners social media campaign, where we highlight a different Color Designer and their work on our Committee pages. No upcoming meetings are scheduled at this time. Although our Committee can be followed on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @colordesign839.

Family And Membership Committee

The Family And Membership (FAM) Committee is dedicated to outreach, advocacy, and member activism, while also providing a community and resources in support of member and family wellness. The FAM Committee has hosted family-friendly park playdates in Burbank, Glendale, and Los Angeles, a Canines & Coffee meetup in Eagle Rock, Lunch & Learn panel discussions for autism support and expectant parents, and a holiday social at the Guild. Last December, we partnered with IATSE Local 44 to decorate over 400 holiday cards for the residents at the Motion Picture & Television Fund retirement home. For the 2019 IATSE District 2 Convention, our committee leadership proposed two resolutions to explore more inclusive healthcare; both resolutions were supported by our Guild’s delegates and passed unanimously. Thanks to all our awesome committee members and supporters!

In light of current events, we’re only planning to host digital meetings at this time. (Stay tuned for updates.) In the future, the FAM Committee hopes to continue hosting family-friendly and pet-friendly gatherings in and around L.A. Event ideas include a Playdate in the Park in Santa Clarita and a Canines & Coffee meetup in Eagle Rock. We also plan to establish a volunteer Meal Train to assist members in need. Keep up on FAM Committee news through our blog: Connect with other families by joining the Facebook Closed Group: Animation Parents of LA. Contact the FAM Committee leadership directly:

Design Committee

The purpose of the Design Committee is to connect the artists working in design for animation. We are a community consisting of the different design crafts including: Background Design/Layout, Background Paint, Color Design, Character Design, Prop Design, Fx Design, Visual Development and Art Direction. The goals of our committee are to inform, educate, track industry trends related to design, and share experiences. Ultimately, the Design Committee will serve as a resource and a community to help designers of the animation industry thrive.

We had our inaugural general meeting Aug.  22nd, 2019 at Hulett Hall. We created a Design Committee Survey collecting data across all design crafts from 169 designers.  The Design Committee presented the survey data and analysis at the committees chairs meeting. We are using the survey data to address issues and concerns from designers. We have been building out our internal/online infrastructure in order to set up craft sub committees and research groups 

We had a general meeting scheduled for March 19th, which has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  We have adapted our in-person presentation so we can make that available online via our google drive which we will email to our committee membership and drafted social media materials with aims to illuminate design related concerns. A Facebook group specifically for designers in the guild will go live Wednesday, March 25th. Invites will be emailed to designers on our contact list.  We will make the survey data and analysis available via our google drive. We are targeting a date in May for our next general meeting which will be online.   

2020 projects include: 

  • “Taglines”: social media posts with aims to illuminate design related topics and issues 
  • Drink & Draw: now exploring ways to do hold this online
  • Proposal writing workshop
  • Design craft research groups 

Email us at if you’d like to get notified of upcoming events and information.

Memorial Committee

The Animation Guild Memorial Committee organized our annual Afternoon of Remembrance, which took place at the Guild on the 29th of February. Leap day!  It went extraordinarily smoothly. There were many heartfelt memorials, a receptive audience, and the event was kept to a reasonable length. Many thanks to all who contributed to the success of that event.

Our committee now will work quietly through the year collecting names, as people in our community pass away. The committee will become more active again in the autumn, resuming our work to organize the annual Aftternoon of Remembrance event that will take place in 2021.  

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee’s primary goal is to facilitate and improve communications both within the organization and with the broader public. The Committee is focused on developing effective vehicles of communication to support the goals, objectives and initiatives of the Animation Guild and its members such as increasing member engagement, developing educational projects and improving transparency.

Earlier this year, the Committee launched its TAG A to Z project, defining common terms used in the Guild and sharing them through social media. Sub-Committees are working on a variety of projects including:

  • A collaborative project with Local 705 to prevent bullying in the workplace
  • Videos answering commonly-asked questions on TAGTube
  • TAG App development – We just completed a series of focus groups and are preparing a survey to be shared more widely to the membership.
  • Educational seminars to help TAG leaders communicate more effectively

The Committee also helps review content for other committees to ensure accuracy and help support broader communication efforts.

The Committee will be planning a Zoom meeting soon and we have a Discord channel established. Those interested in joining can email

Please keep in mind that the Discord Channel is an unofficial server and is voluntarily ran by TAG members.


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