Contract Services (CSATF) provides mandatory workplace training and funded or partially funded job-related skills training for Guild members.
Accessing CSAFT
To access CSATF, you must create an account through the CSATF Industry Hub.
If you already had an old CSAFT Portal account, you should have received an email with the subject line “Action Required – Welcome to the Contract Services Portal!” inviting you to claim your new account. If you can’t find that email, please contact CSATF.
If you’re new to TAG, visit the Industry Hub and click “Create Account.”
Required CSATF Training
TAG members are required to participate in Harassment Prevention Training. This training requirement is coordinated through Contract Services which is funded by all the union studios. For Harassment Prevention Training, click here.
The recently required Covid-19 Prevention Training is no longer mandatory. The training is still available for those who would like to take it.
CSATF Skills Training
Our contracts require union employers to fund job-related training programs for eligible industry employees. This Training Trust Fund is controlled by Contract Services. Contract Services connects eligible industry employees with craft-specific skills training to enhance their proficiencies in such areas. Skills training is offered in partnership between Contract Services and other training providers. A list of available course case be found here.
Qualify for training
- Partial entries are acceptable. You don’t have to fill every field to search.
- Search by last name and SSN for the quickest and most accurate result.
Individuals interested in participating in skills training must satisfy certain eligibility requirements. Generally speaking, if you are listed on the Industry Hub and compliant with all training and document requirements, you are eligible to apply for these courses.
If you have questions about eligibility, please contact us at or 818-565-0550 ext. 1260.