Food, Clothing & Necessities

MALAN Fire & Windstorm Resources
This Mutual Aid LA Network list provides information on the free distribution of clothing, water, prepared meals, non-perishable food, diapers, feminine products, first aid supplies, medical supplies, household essentials, and more. This is one of the most comprehensive lists available and is updated daily.

LA Regional Food Bank
To find locations of food pantry distributions, use the Food Pantry Locator. You can also use this locator to find distribution sites for free diapers.

Costumer Designers Guild Clothing Distribution
If you are in need of clothing items, the Costume Designers Guild, IATSE Local 892, has a “closet” open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. The talented costumers have worked hard to sort gently used and new clothing for those affected. They also have a limited number of suitcases and bags that have been donated.

3919 W. Magnolia Blvd.
Burbank, CA
ust around the corner from the TAG offices.)

Brands Offering New Products
This spreadsheet lists companies that are offering free products, including air purifiers, baby care essentials, clothing for all ages, kitchenware, and more. As this list was not compiled by TAG, we cannot ensure that all vendors have been vetted.

FEMA “Serious Needs Assistance”
Serious Needs Assistance is money to pay for emergency supplies like water, food, first aid, breast-feeding supplies, infant formula, diapers, personal hygiene items, or fuel for transportation. It is available in all disasters declared for Individual Assistance. Grant size is $750. Learn more here

Red Cross Disaster Action Team
The Red Cross hotline at 800-675-5799 is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. On-call Disaster Action Team volunteers travel together to the disaster site, assess the scope of the disaster, and if necessary, work with the victims to identify and meet the immediate needs. A well-stocked Red Cross response vehicle contains blankets, water, snacks and toiletry kits for the comfort of the clients. Diapers, formula, and plush toys are also available for infants and children.