We are pleased to announce the results of the 2022 Animation Guild Officers and Executive Board election. We applaud all the candidates who took the initiative to run for office and represent the interests of our diverse and talented membership as we welcome the new board and look forward to their leadership!
The following Guild members were elected as officers, all ran unopposed:
President: Jeanette Moreno King
Vice President: Teri Hendrich Cusumano
Business Representative: Steve Kaplan
Recording Secretary: Paula Spence
Sergeant-at-Arms: Danny Ducker
The following 11 Guild members were elected to the Executive Board, in order of vote count:
Carrie Liao
Ashley Long
Roger Oda
Mairghread Scott
Candice Stephenson
Alex Quintas
Madison Bateman
Brandon Jarratt
Justin Weber
Erica Smith
Marissa Bernstel
The following three candidates received the most votes and are therefore appointed as Trustees:
Carrie Liao
Ashley Long
Roger Oda
Officers and Executive Board members will be sworn into office on December 6, 2022, when their three-year term will officially begin. The ballot count was overseen by the AAA on November 12, 2022 and the results were certified on November 12, 2022.