Labor Community Services (LCS) Los Angeles Fire Relief Fund
You can make a financial donation, or donate new clothing a hygiene products, at the LCS Warehouse, located at 5600 Rickenbacker Rd., Building 1D, Bell, CA 90201, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Learn more here.
Offer Housing to Union Kin
If you are able to provide temporary housing in the form of a spare room, guest house, or other, please fill out this form to be matched with a union member or family in need.
LA Regional Food Bank
Drop off nonperishable food items at the following locations Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
1734 East 41st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90058
2300 Pellissier Place, Industry, CA 90601
Learn how you can volunteer, making a financial donation, and other fire relief efforts here.