When did you start getting involved in the Guild and in what capacity?
I began my involvement with the Guild in 2016, a couple years into my membership. At a General Membership Meeting, a member encouraged me to attend a Young Workers Committee meeting—that introduced me to other engaged members. From there, I found new opportunities to get involved. From joining committees to becoming a delegate at the D2 convention, I threw myself in head first. I wanted to learn, and that came easier for me through direct involvement.
Why did you decide to run for the e-board?
I noticed a huge increase in member participation since the time I had first gotten involved. I knew we needed board members who would pave the way for continued growth and engagement. That’s why I decided to run.
What are your priorities for the Guild?
My priorities focus on building strength from the inside, supporting the improvement of leadership-to-member communication, creating more ways for members to remotely contribute to TAG projects, and growing our visibility and reputation with the IATSE and our sister Hollywood locals. By focusing on these areas, I expect that we can better organize ourselves to remove Sideletter N in 2021.
How can members get more engaged with the Guild? What advice would you give someone who is interested?
There are countless ways to engage with our Guild. Attend the General Membership Meetings and get informed. Take part in any Guild sponsored events that speak to you. Join a committee that could use your unique skill set or one that aligns with your values. If you aren’t able to attend in-person meetings, there are ways to remotely contribute to and support Union projects! You can doodle something for the Post-It Note show, sign up to illustrate for TAG A to Z, or wear your TAG T-shirt on TAG Tuesday!
Elisa Phillips currently works as a character designer on Rick & Morty.