Remember to Call the Hall!
Call The Hall


Resources for California Wildfire Victims

Alexandra Drosu / November 4, 2019

Union News / no comments

Our hearts go out to our Union brothers and sisters who have been affected by the recent wildfires, and we wanted to share several resources that are available to them. OPTUM Optum is offering a free emotional support help line for all people impacted. This help line will provide those affected access to specially trained…

Lunch & Learn Recap: Autism Support

Alexandra Drosu /

Lunch & Learn Recap / no comments

The FAM committee hosted a Lunch & Learn on Oct. 23, 2019 focused on autism resources. The panel, moderated by FAM committee chair Kristin Donner and parent and DreamWorks animator Megan Kreiner, included: Carrie N. Dilley, PhD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist Juan Corral, MS, BCBA, Board Certified Behavior Analyst & Educator Kristin Kucia, MA, Manager of Student Affairs, Exceptional…

Committee Updates

Alexandra Drosu / October 21, 2019

Committees / no comments

The committees have been working hard to support initiatives benefitting the TAG community and its members. Here’s a brief recap of what is going on: Animators Committee The Animators Committee completed their survey with over 100 responses and will be presenting the data at their next Animators Committee meeting at the guild hall, October 28th at…

What’s AB5? Will it affect me or my loan-out company?

Alexandra Drosu / October 7, 2019

Union News / no comments

The California Supreme Court verdict in Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court addressed independent contractor classification. Employees can join unions, and receive protection through government rules on minimum wage, overtime and rest breaks. Independent contractors have none of these protections, must pay all Social Security and Medicare costs, and are ineligible for unemployment insurance….

Please Confirm Your Voting Status!

Alexandra Drosu /

TAG NewsUnion News / no comments

Your vote is your voice – we want everyone that wants to vote to complete all the steps necessary to be able to vote in the 2019 TAG elections. In order to become a member in good standing of the Animation Guild, individuals must: Completely pay all dues, fees, and assessments so that no monies…

FAQs about the 401K Plan: What you need to know!

Alexandra Drosu /

401k plan / no comments

I’d like to start a 401k plan. I’ve never enrolled before – what can I do? The best way to get started is to go to the 401k Quickstart page on the Animation Guild website.  Follow the instructions there and complete and return a form. The fastest way to submit a completed form is to scan…

Grief Counseling and Help

Alexandra Drosu /

MPI / no comments

The Animation Guild is here to assist you in finding the help you might need during times of grief through the Motion Picture Industry Health Plan. Most members are enrolled in the Anthem Blue Cross PPO. Under this plan, mental health benefits are carried through Optum. In-network providers have a $5 copay. You can search…

2019 TAG Executive Board Nominees Announced

Alexandra Drosu / October 2, 2019

Uncategorized / no comments

Nominations for Animation Guild President, Vice President, Business Representative, Recording Secretary, Sergeant-at-Arms and 11 Executive Board seats took place at the General Membership Meeting on Sept. 24. The meeting was attended by more than 200 Animation Guild members. Members can meet the candidates and ask questions at a Candidate Forum on Oct. 22, 2019, 7…

Lightbox Expo: Members showcase their work and the Union

Alexandra Drosu / September 9, 2019

Events / no comments

The inaugural Lightbox Expo proved to be a dynamic event for both artists and fans. The Animation Guild booth saw its fair share of action as members, uninitiated artists and students stopped by to introduce themselves or to learn more about the Union. Special thanks to all the volunteers who staffed the booth over the…

Committee Updates

Alexandra Drosu /

TAG News / no comments

Animation Committee The Animators Committee held their first official committee meeting and had a great turnout. They discussed several important topics including: updating different job classifications, building visibility for animators, and sideletter N. Next steps: the committee has a survey currently available to animators! They want to hear from their craftsfolk about what their priorities…

TAG’s Political Action League presents: Voting Made Simple! The New L.A. County Voting System

Alexandra Drosu / August 26, 2019

Events / no comments

Los Angeles County will have a new voting system for the March Primary. Will you know how to use it? Join TAG’s Political Action League (PAL) for a workshop to help prepare you! In March 2020, the County will move away from a precinct-based model to the Vote Center model made possible through the California…

New Member Spotlight: Michelle Lam

Alexandra Drosu /

Member Spotlight / no comments

Michelle Lam is one of TAG’s newest members—she officially joined the Guild in July/August 2019! A 2018 CalArts graduate, she is currently working at Titmouse. Learn more about Michelle! Tell us  a little bit about yourself. I grew up in New York and moved to Southern California back in 2014 to attend CalArts. Ever since…