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Preview: 2021 District 2 Convention Resolutions

Alexandra Drosu / July 19, 2021

TAG NewsUnion News / no comments

The 2021 IATSE District 2 Convention will be held virtually this coming Sunday, July 25th. For the third year in a row, The Animation Guild delegation will propose a record number of resolutions to be introduced and voted on by the delegates of the IATSE Locals in Arizona, California, Hawai‘i, and Nevada that make up…

Meet TAG Organizer Ben Speight

Alexandra Drosu / July 6, 2021

TAG News / no comments

With an interest in the labor movement that dates back to his college years, Ben Speight,  our new Animation Guild organizer, shares lessons learned from his first organizing experience, why he feels that organizing is the key to reducing inequality, and his belief in the importance of committed worker activists.  Tell us a little bit…

COVID-19 Prevention Training, Contract Services, and You

Alexandra Drosu / July 5, 2021

TAG News / no comments

*Covid-19 Prevention Training is no longer mandatory. The training is still available for those who would like to take it. As studios begin asking Animation Guild members to return to work it’s important to be aware of what requirements you need to fulfill in order to do so safely.  In September 2020, the Producers and…

Negotiations Town Hall #3 Recap: How do we win?

Alexandra Drosu / May 28, 2021

TAG News / no comments

In the previous Town Halls, we covered the broad strokes of negotiations. Panelists from the Negotiations Committee spoke about their past experiences in negotiations and shared details of the ongoing work being done in this current cycle. We also reviewed the contract negotiations process, including how proposals are created, who is in the room, and…

Negotiations Town Hall #2: What do the employers want?

Alexandra Drosu / May 10, 2021

TAG News / no comments

In our previous Town Hall “What Do We Want?,” we discussed some of the basics of negotiations and what the Guild’s goals are in each negotiations cycle. In our second town hall, “What Do the Employers Want?,” we delved into the specifics of the negotiations process through the lens of the employers. We discussed how…

Negotiations Town Hall: What do we want?

Alexandra Drosu / April 29, 2021

Union News / no comments

On Apr. 27th, The Animation Guild held its first Town Hall in preparation for negotiations. This meeting aimed to inform members about the negotiations process, introduce the Negotiations Committee, and share details about the proposal process. If you were unable to attend the event, please take a moment to review some of the “non-sensitive” information…

Know Your Worth: Wage Survey FAQs

Alexandra Drosu / March 31, 2021

TAG News / no comments

Employers are at their strongest when information about wages is kept secret. After all, if you don’t know how much your colleagues are making, how can you know if you’re getting a fair rate? By completing the anonymous, confidential wage survey, you and your fellow Guild members will be able to know what the job…

Working Together to Stop Hate: A Statement About Anti-Asian Violence

Alexandra Drosu / March 17, 2021

TAG NewsUncategorized / no comments

The Animation Guild condemns anti-Asian and anti-Pacific Islander violence and bigotry as a direct assault on our principles of diversity, equity, inclusion and humanity. We share a statement from Roger Oda, Co-Chair of the Guild’s People of Color Committee, rejecting these horrible actions and calling for more dialogue to fight against harmful stereotypes. Forever A…

Announcing the TAG Timing Committee

Alexandra Drosu / March 15, 2021

Committees / no comments

The Timing Group has now officially been approved to become the TAG Timing Committee! The Timing Committee’s goals are to maintain dialogue among animation timing directors, monitor industry working conditions, facilitate networking opportunities, maintain outreach in cooperation with other Union Classifications, and heighten awareness and visibility of our invaluable contribution to animation productions.  The Timing…

Represent TAG at the District 2 Convention!

Alexandra Drosu / March 1, 2021

Uncategorized / no comments

The IATSE is made up of 12 Districts across the United States and Canada. Every year, each of the Districts hosts a convention and each local in the District sends Delegates to participate. At the 2021 Virtual District 2 Convention, TAG sent one of the largest delegations of the conference and brought four resolutions forward that…

New Member Spotlight

Alexandra Drosu / February 1, 2021

Member Spotlight / no comments

At the last General Membership Meeting, a group of talented new members were sworn in. Here, a few share about their lives, inspirations and what it means to them to join TAG. Alex “WhiteTreeFox” Burke Tell us a little about yourself and your career. I’m a California native, and I have unicorn hair! While I’ve…

Paying Tribute

Alexandra Drosu / January 19, 2021

Events / no comments

For the last 25 years, The Animation Guild and ASIFA-Hollywood have hosted an Afternoon of Remembrance, a yearly, non-denominational event honoring those in the animation industry who have passed away. This year the event will be held virtually on January 30 and those who would like to attend can register at Here, we pay tribute…