Alexandra Drosu / September 8, 2020
Union News / no comments
With all that’s in the news around this year’s election, you may not have heard much about two upcoming propositions on the ballot. To save jobs and demand good wages, the LA County Federation of Labor is recommending YES on Prop 15 and NO on Prop 22. Big corporations are spending hundreds of millions of dollars…
Alexandra Drosu / July 27, 2020
TAG News / no comments
As of August 3, 2020, wage minimums will increase by 3 percent as per the 2018-2021 Local 839 Master Agreement. Here’s what you need to know: Does this apply to all studios? Some studios, such as Warner Animation Group, The Secret Lab and Sony Animation, have separate agreements with Local 839 and will see wages…
Alexandra Drosu / July 13, 2020
Committee Updates, CommitteesUncategorized / no comments
The Storyboard Committee is looking for volunteers to become Storyboard Craft Reps for their show/production. The Craft Rep pilot program was previously limited to a handful of studios, but is now being expanded to all contracted studios and productions. The goal is to find a Craft Rep volunteer on each show within each studio. Similar to…
Alexandra Drosu /
Union News / no comments
The pandemic has shown that TAG members are not only talented, but they are nimble and can transition to working effectively from home. This ability to quickly adapt to a new situation has helped sustain the animation industry when much of live-action entertainment has halted. Of course, the new situation has changed the landscape of…
Alexandra Drosu / June 29, 2020
TAG News / no comments
Union Plus Legal Program Union members are on the front lines of the response to our nation’s public health crisis. MetLife’s Legal Attorney Network is offering union members free legal document review, consultations, and advice through July 31, 2020 for many issues, including: Healthcare proxies or other estate planning Home refinancing or personal insurance forms Elder law…
Alexandra Drosu /
TAG NewsUnion News / no comments
Hello TAG Members, I hope this message finds you healthy and safe. I hope you are holding up well through this difficult time. I wanted to reach out to you before the holiday weekend to refresh the conversation about holidays and the adjustment of your production schedule. At times, productions try to squeeze in 40…
Alexandra Drosu / June 15, 2020
/ no comments
When you receive a job offer from a studio that is a Union signatory, you can always negotiate for a better salary beyond the minimum union wage for that position. Consider a base offer as your starting point. An employer will not be surprised if you make a counter-offer. Below are some tips to help…
Alexandra Drosu / June 5, 2020
TAG News / no comments
Earlier this week, The Animation Guild expressed its unequivocal support of Black communities over social media; however, we felt it crucial to take a deeper dive into this painful topic and the ways in which our union can do better. We are profoundly saddened and outraged by the senseless killing of George Floyd and condemn the…
Alexandra Drosu / June 1, 2020
CommitteesEvents / no comments
As Crystal Kan and Jake Hollander embarked on their second annual free Portfolio Review Day on May 31, 2020, they faced one daunting challenge—a worldwide pandemic. Kan wasn’t sure how to easily manage more than 80 candidates sharing their portfolios with 30 volunteers while giving each attendee individualized attention. The solution came unexpectedly during a…
Alexandra Drosu /
TAG News / no comments
In October 2019, several TAG members working at BentoBox shared an issue with Guild leadership—color designers were doing background design work but not being categorized in the correct classification. After entering into a grievance process with the studio, the issue has now been amicably resolved as follows: As of January 1, 2020, Color Designers…
Alexandra Drosu / April 24, 2020
TAG News / no comments
We have recently learned that Contract Services Administration Trust Fund (CSATF) has been forced to suspend the Skills Training program. Like many other organizations, CSATF has been seriously impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Most of CSATF’s revenue comes from contributions linked to hours worked under union agreements, much like MPI. The significant impact on The…
Alexandra Drosu / April 20, 2020
Union News / no comments
More than 1,000 entertainment union members logged in to a Zoom meeting hosted by the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor to learn more about the various programs available to them through the Employment Development Department and the federal CARES Act legislation. The special webinar was co-hosted by Hollywood labor unions, including the I.A.T.S.E., DGA…