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Oncoming Negotiations

Steve Hulett / May 16, 2015

TAG NewsUnion News / no comments

* Featured Post Artwork from Carol Simpson

At the end of June, the Animation Guild will sit down with the major animation studios and negotiate a new three-year contract. The guild’s negotiation committee will meet in early June to go over proposals, but it’s important to know what the IA (our mother international) negotiated for other West Coast production locals last month.

In a nutshell:

Wage minimums will increase 3% in each year of the Agreement. The increases shall compound.

MPI Pension Plan:

For those who retired prior to August 1, 2009, they shall receive a 13th and 14th check on or about November 1 in each year of the Agreement, provided there are 8 months of reserves in both the Active and Retiree Health Plan and the Pension Plan is certified to be in the Green Zone.

In each year of the Agreement, the hourly contribution into the Pension Plan shall increase by an additional $.18 per hour.

The Defined Benefit Pension Plan benefit accrual formula will increase by 10% for Active Participants effective 1/1/17, retroactive to 8/1/2015.

MPI Health Plan:

Prescription drug co-payments will not increase

There will be no increased costs to the primary participants nor to their dependents for health care coverage.

There will be no cuts to health care benefits.

Current members with at least one qualifying year into the MPI shall continue to be eligible for retiree health coverage after 15 qualifying years in the MPI. For new members who do not have a qualifying year into the MPIPHP as of 1/1/16, such new employees will need 20 qualifying years in the MPI to qualify for retiree health coverage.

The New Media Sideletter under the Basic Agreement saw major improvements, and TAG will be looking to make ours more “member friendly” as well.

We will be discussing the new Basic Agreement and our own negotiations at the May 26th General Membership Meeting. Plan to be there!

* Featured Post Artwork from Carol Simpson

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