IATSE PAC Post-It Note Show

Ready, Set, Bid!

The 5th Annual TAG Post-It Note Show and Auction, presented by the Guild’s Political Action League Committee, is now open! This unique art show and online auction benefits the IATSE PAC.

These one-of-a-kind pieces are drawn on mostly 3” x 3” Post-It Notes – but also we have a few surprises from the talented members who participated!

Beginning NOW through December 8th at 5 PM (PST), members who log into the IATSE PAC website and follow the link to the online auction can view and bid on the artwork through the online auction website, BiddingOwl. The access code is 839.

To see the Post-It Note Show and bid on these items visit www.iatsepac.net to log in. If you have never logged into the site, you will be prompted to create a password. Once logged in, you can update your contact information and username in your profile. If you have any problems logging in, please email iatsepac@iatse.net for assistance.

Once logged in, follow the link to the BiddingOwl auction website. Before heading over to BiddingOwl, please review the important Guidelines attached regarding this event. Only IATSE members, IATSE staff, and immediate family can donate to the IATSE Political Action Committee fund and bid on the items. Those donating must either be U.S. citizens or valid Green Card holders. Note, the BiddingOwl website has changed, so please be sure to review the guidelines here.

This year, most of the submissions are online for bidding. However, we will have some for sale at the TAG Holiday Market!

SAVE THE DATE! We’ll have all submissions on display at the annual TAG Holiday Market on December 7th. We will be located in the TAG Gallery. There will be some pieces available for immediate purchase of $10 during the market. The show will be separate from the market and only IATSE members, staff and immediate family will be allowed to see and bid online for the auction items, due to federal regulations.

Thank you to our TAG members for once again lending their considerable time and talents to bring us this innovative online show and auction.

Good luck to all our auction bidders and thank you for your support of the IATSE PAC!

Questions? Contact TAG Field Rep & Political Coordinator Leslie Simmons, leslie.simmons@tag839.org.


This contribution is made based on my understanding that participation in IATSE PAC is voluntarily and not a condition of membership in the union or employment. IATSE PAC is a federally registered political action committee, and the contributions it receives are used to support federal and state candidates and committees for the advancement of our Union. No part of my contribution will be used to pay administrative expenses of the PAC. I understand that the contribution guideline is a suggestion; and that I may contribute more, less, or nothing without favor or fear of reprisal. Federal law requires IATSE PAC to report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of individuals whose aggregate contributions exceed $200.00 in a calendar year. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. IATSE PAC may only accept contributions from US citizens or valid green card holders.