TAG members Kristin Donner and Kyle Neswald volunteer for the inter-Local Trunk-or-Treat event co-sponsored by the Guild.
Our Union is made up of active members who want to make it stronger, and the more people who contribute and volunteer, the more powerful we grow! We recognize that not everyone can devote hours and hours to Guild activities, but there are plenty of ways to volunteer that can meet you at your commitment level, whether it’s once a week or once a year.
If you are an Animation Guild member, please fill out the following form to let us know that you’re interested in being contacted about potential volunteer opportunities.
By filling out this form, you are not committing your time or interest. You are just letting us know that you are willing to consider opportunities.
Some questions ask for personal details because we receive requests seeking members with backgrounds that will bring an additional level of understanding and representation to a specific event and/or audience. We strive to reach as many people as possible and are committed to providing resources for diverse and underrepresented groups. Do not feel obligated to answer every question.
Thank you!