For the first time in recent history, The Animation Guild delegates will be proposing not one but two resolutions at the upcoming IATSE District 2 convention in Hawai’i (June 7-9).
“By doing so, we’re becoming more vocal members of the IATSE community and we’re representing our members’ concerns in an actionable way,” says Kristin Donner, co-chair of the Family and Personal Leave Subcommittee, who helped author the resolutions. “Our two resolutions were inspired by members’ requests and are moving forward to the convention with signatures of support from the majority of our TAG delegation.”
Resolution #1: Health Insurance Inclusive of Assisted Reproductive Care
This resolution underscores that the current MPI health plans do not provide sufficient or any coverage for assisted reproductive care (including infertility care, fertility preservation and IVF) and recommends exploring options to address this issue.
Resolution #2: Extension of Health Plan Coverage during Appropriate Leave of Absence
This resolution advocates for individuals on FMLA, Disability, or extended family leave who may require health coverage while caring for themselves or loved ones and looks at options to address these needs.
Both of these are resolutions to research, meaning that if supported, they will require additional work to determine the feasibility of moving forward with these initiatives.
You can read more about the resolutions here.