Tag Archives: retirement

Lunch & Learn Recap: How to Plan & Navigate Your Retirement Journey

Illustration of white car on yellow backgroundOn April 6, Bud Green, a retirement plan consultant from SageView Advisory Group, presented an overview of fundamentals for retirement planning, including tips for Social Security and Medicare, the mechanics of 401(k) and IRA withdrawals, and balancing risks when investing.

Spending and expenses

When planning for retirement, there are three types of spending and expenses to take into account: predictable, unpredictable, and semi-predictable.


  • Utilities, mortgage, etc.
  • Cost of living


  • Health care such as Medicare supplements


  • “Fun” spending such as vacations

Some of the factors to consider when saving for retirement

Long-term care

  • Life expectancy is longer than it was in the past, with couples living longer overall and women living longer than men.
  • Long-term health care insurance premiums can go up, costing an arm and a leg when you’re in your 50s and 60s. Many homeowners use their homes as an investment to pay for long-term health care if it’s needed.


  • While you may be spending less in today’s dollars, overall this will look like more due to inflation.

Social Security

  • Waiting to collect your Social Security each year past the age of 65 can get you an additional 8% per each full year up to age 70.
  • It’s worth considering taking your Social Security later if you think your lifespan will surpass 80.

Types of investments

Most people will dip into their principle over time instead of just living off profits.

With cash you don’t earn interest. Following are estimates of earnings for different types of investments:

  • Bonds +1%
  • Real estate +2% 
  • Stocks +4% 

In general, real estate and stocks yield higher outcomes that bonds over time.

Stocks generally have long-term growth no matter what, even if they dip every few years.

Information to keep in mind when trying to minimize your taxes

  • Traditional IRAs, 401(k), and MPI plans are 100% taxable
  • Roth IRAs are tax-free
  • Bank/Brokerage plans are taxable at 0%-100% depending on the plan

Advice on annuities

  • Fixed index annuities: never
  • Deferred/variable annuities: probably not
  • Immediate annuities: sometimes

An annuity is a long-term investment issued by an insurance company. It gives you a fixed amount of money each year for the rest of your life. The idea is to help protect you from the risk of outliving your income. But while it’s good to ensure the same amount of income for the rest of your life, one downside is that a consistent income doesn’t take inflation into account.

When taking out an annuity, it’s only worth it if you think you’re going to live past your break-even point. For example, if you have $1 million dollars and you think you need $1.5 million to survive until you die, it’s worth considering an annuity. But if you suddenly die after being paid out only $300,000, the remaining money will be lost.  

Reasons people move money from a 401(k) to an IRA

  • More flexibility on withdrawals and withholding
  • Pay dividends to cash
  • Want an independent financial manager/planner

Reasons to hire a financial advisor

  • Can understand how you feel about money
  • Can stop you from acting emotionally
  • Can provide planning and investment management

Fee-based advisors are recommended, charging a flat fee or a percentage of assets (0.25% to 1% annually). When working with an advisor, make sure to pay attention to your overall expenses.

It’s suggested to seek retirement advice within 5 to 7 years of your planned retirement date.

Members seeking a customized retirement income plan can contact Bud Green, CIMA, AIF at bgreen@sageviewadvisory.com.




FAQs about the 401K Plan: What you need to know!

I’d like to start a 401k plan. I’ve never enrolled before – what can I do?

The best way to get started is to go to the 401k Quickstart page on the Animation Guild website.  Follow the instructions there and complete and return a form. The fastest way to submit a completed form is to scan and email to 401k@tag839.org.

I think I’m already enrolled, but I would like to re-start contributions, or make another change.

For changes to paycheck deferrals, or restarting contributions if you have switched seasons, switched shows, or switched employers, please use the Enrollment/Change form available on our website. 

How can I get access to the TAG 401k Plan at Vanguard’s website?

If you are already enrolled, access your 401k account at Vanguard using the following instructions.

Online: To sign up for online account access, visit vanguard.com/register and follow the prompts. You’ll need your plan number: 094523. If any of your personal information on file at Vanguard is not correct and you have difficulty setting up a log-in, we can correct those issues (contact the office at 401k@tag839.org).  Once registered, you can log on to your account at vanguard.com/retirementplans.

By phone: Call Vanguard Participant Services at 800-523-1188. Associates are available Monday through Friday from 5:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (PST). (Special Note: If you also have private accounts with Vanguard you will need to get Special Instructions from Vanguard to log in. Call Vanguard to begin the conversation.) 

I’m looking for a specific form – where can I find 401k forms?

All 401k forms are available on our website here.

The most commonly used forms are:

  1. Easy Enrollment Form: A simple form that will enroll an eligible participant in the TAG 401k Plan. Deferrals will be pre-tax, and deferrals will be invested in the Vanguard Target Date fund that has a target date closest to when you turn age 65.
  2. Long-Form Enrollment/Change Form: A longer form offering more enrollment options, including Roth, 50+ Catch-Up contributions. Enrollees should choose how they want funds to be invested, and can choose a Target date fund or any of the other funds. All Allocation percentages need to add to 100%. All fields on the first page inside “Payroll Directions” must be completed!

The Enrollment/Change form should also be used for re-starting contributions after a change in employer.

There has been money deducted from my paycheck, but I’m not seeing it appear in my Vanguard account yet. What’s going on?

When funds are deducted from your paycheck, it can take up to two to three weeks for the funds to be properly transferred to Vanguard, processed, checked, and then become visible in your account. If you are seeing a delay longer than two to three weeks for contributions to appear, send an email with your name, the studio you are working for, the production and, if applicable, the season you are on to 401k@tag839.org. Someone from the union office will respond and look into the situation.

Something has happened with my 401k contributions that I don’t understand, and I would like some help figuring out what’s going on.

Please send an email with your name, the studio you are working for, the production and, if applicable, the season you are on to 401k@tag839.org. Someone from the union office will respond and assist you.

What are the limits for 401k Contributions for 2019?

For 2019, the IRS has set the following limits for 401k contributions. Generally, the total limit on all contributions is $19,000 for calendar year 2019. If an individual will be age 50 or older during the calendar year 2019, they may additionally make up to $6,000 in catch-up contributions.

I’m going through a divorce or other situation, and need help with a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO).

To begin this process, please send an email with your name, the studio you are working for, the production and, if applicable, the season you are on to 401k@tag839.org. Someone from the union office will respond and assist you.

What else should I keep in mind?

Have you designated a beneficiary for your 401K plan or recently checked to make sure your beneficiary is correct? Log on to vanguard.com/retirementplans to review your account, click on My Profile, or call Vanguard Participant Services at 800-523-1188.