The Animation Guild, also known as Local 839 of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), was founded in 1952 as a labor union.
Today, the Guild represents more than 6,000 talented artists, technicians, writers, and production workers in the animation industry. We advocate for our members to improve wages, improve working conditions, and provide pension and health benefits (through the Motion Picture Industry Health and Pension Plan). We use our strength in numbers to provide favorable outcomes in collective bargaining. We protect workers’ rights and make sure employers follow the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreements. When issues with employers arise, we represent the interests of our members.
TAG members and staff are governed by a Constitution and By-Laws. This document sets out the rules, regulations, and procedures for how The Animation Guild is governed, as well as the responsibilities of being a TAG member.
Check out our information sheet to learn more about The Animation Guild.
Meet the TAG Board Members
Meet the TAG Staff