*Covid-19 Prevention Training is no longer mandatory. The training is still available for those who would like to take it.
COVID-19 Prevention Training is available through Contract Services. This was negotiated in an agreement between a multi-union coalition and the AMPTP which protects workers as they return back to the studio. The training takes about 30 to 45 minutes to complete and covers topics such as preventing cross contamination, protecting yourself at home, and more.
If you have any questions, please contact Contract Services at training@csatf.org or call (818) 565-0550 x1200.
Like the Compliance Report document, which became available to Industry Professionals via their Portal accounts in 2020, the CS ACCESS app is a huge step forward in communicating roster and training compliance information in a transparent and user-friendly way. CS ACCESS puts access to important documents and information at users’ fingertips.
Who Is the App For?
The primary audiences for the app are (1) Industry Professionals on our Online Roster (broadly speaking, anyone with CS training requirements) and (2) local union business representatives who have a special search tool to view their members’ roster and training status. Anyone in the world can download the app and access useful information (including safety hotlines and Safety Bulletins), but users with a Contract Services Portal Account can log in and use the app for a personalized look into their own roster and training status.
Among the app’s features, Industry Professionals can quickly:
- Track their roster placement process (this has never been possible before)
- Stay up to date with their roster status
- Access status of certificates and licenses on file with CS
- View training deadlines
- Receive important notifications about deadlines, new training requirements and more!
- Complete C19 Prevention Training and the RCAN course right from their phone (and other training in the future)
- Access their Compliance Report and Official Course Transcript
- Update contact information
- Review Safety Bulletins, safety hotlines and other notices
Breakthrough New Feature – Transparency for (“Pre-Roster”) Applicants
One of the most important features of the app is that it allows applicants – for the first time ever – to track their application progress. This has never been possible before because these applicants cannot see themselves on the Online Roster. With the app, applicants finally have an easy way of learning their placement requirements and where they stand in the process.
How to Access the App:
CS ACCESS is available in the Apple App Store or Google Play app store for Android. The best way to learn more is to visit our website at csatf.org/csaccess/, where you can find links to the app stores and additional information about the app including a brief video tutorial.