Who can participate in the TAG 401k Plan?
To be eligible to contribute to the TAG 401k Plan you need to have been working for at least 90 days under the Animation Guild (local 839). There are a few special IA contracts that allow other locals (700 and/or 600) to also participation in the TAG 401k Plan. The IA contract studios participating are Disney/TSL-TTL, Sony Pictures Animation, Warner Animation Group and a special TAG contract at Nickelodeon.
1. Decide how much to save
Participants who have met the eligibility requirements by working 90 days can contribute 2% to 40% per paycheck into your 401(k) retirement fund, up to the annual cap set by the IRS each year.
2. Fill out the form
Easy Enrollment Form View Form
Your contributions will be Pre-tax and will automatically go into the Vanguard Target Retirement Trust II with the target date closest to the year you turn 65.
Full-Feature Enrollment Kit View Kit
This kit includes the basic plan description and other information to help you choose between traditional Pre-tax 401k or Roth 401(k) type contributions. The included full-feature form lets you decide how you allocate your contributions amongst all of the available investment options offered in the TAG 401k Plan.
3. Send us your form
All forms may be submitted by email: 401k@tag839.org
or print them out and mail or fax them to the office
TAG HR/Benefits Manager
The Animation Guild
1105 N. Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505-2528
fax: (818) 843-0300
Expect an email within 2 to 3 business days confirming that we received your forms. If you don’t receive a confirmation please call the office at (818) 845-7500.
What will happen next?
Once money has started being deducted it has to be transferred to Vanguard. At which point you will have an active account.
The normal amount of processing time that occurs is always a minimum of 2-3 weeks (after deductions start) to get the money to Vanguard. When there have been any holidays it can be as many as 4 weeks. Logistics of data and fund transfers from multiple payrolls for a large multi-employer Plan are complicated and take some time. Because our plan is not sponsored directly by the employer (but instead by the union) there are additional logistics to deal with.
Once you have an “active” account at Vanguard you will receive a confirmation letter from Vanguard that will look something like this:
Plan Number: 094523
Dear Participant,
Please examine this statement carefully to confirm that your account has been established correctly, paying close attention to the items referenced below. If there are any discrepancies, please notify Vanguard Participant Services immediately at 800-523-1188.
<your list of selected funds and investment percentages will be here>
If you have any questions about the information in this letter, contact a Vanguard Participant Services associate at 800-523-1188. Associates are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., Eastern time.
You can also access your account and make changes by logging on to vanguard.com/retirementplans. Not yet registered for online access? Click Register for account access on the logon page to sign up. You will need your plan number.
To setup your account login for the first time, follow these instructions:
Online: To sign up for online account access, visit vanguard.com/register and follow the prompts. You’ll need your plan number: 094523. If any of your personal information on file at Vanguard is not correct and you have difficulty setting up a log-in, we can correct those issues.
To get started Click Here
By phone: call Vanguard Participant Services at 800-523-1188. Associates are available Monday through Friday from 5:30 am to 6 p.m., Pacific
If you have questions about any of these forms or any other general 401(k) questions, call the office at (818) 845-7500 or email 401k@tag839.org. To avoid confusion, mistakes and delays, please do not submit a form until your questions about it have been answered.