The form below is for members to notify us of a Change of Address and/or Name. Please fill out the form and click the Submit button. The Guild will update your records as well as your address with the TAG 401(k), if you are participating in the 401(k) plan.
This does NOT update your records with the Motion Picture Industry Pension and Health Plan or with your Employer. You should download the MPI Change of Address Form, fill it out and return it to MPI. For name changes only, click on the MPIPHP form link, and update your name change for both the Pension and Health plans. Be sure to follow up with MPI after a week to make sure they received your information.
MPI Change of Address Form
MPI Name Change Forms
If you are making a name change only, please also update the Mailchimp e-mail list with the Guild to ensure communications are directed to your preferred name. You can do this in two ways.
- When you receive an email from TAG, scroll to the bottom and click on “update subscription preferences” you will receive a link that allows you to update your name.
- Email and ask us to manually update your name in Mailchimp