401(k) Forms

This page is dedicated to providing the forms necessary in the administration and maintenance of TAG 401(k) accounts.  For more general information on the TAG 401(k) Plan, visit the 401(k) section on the Benefits page.

The TAG 401(k) is separate from the Defined Benefit and Individual Account Pension plans.  It is available to TAG members who have worked for at least 90 days at a signatory studio.  It is a no match plan where a member can contribute 2% to 40% per paycheck, up to the annual cap set by the IRS each year.

The forms below are for Guild members wanting to sign up for the Animation Guild 401 (k) plan or for plan participants wishing to make changes to forms previously submitted.


These forms can not be submitted through the web site.  You can save the forms as a .pdf and email them or print them out and mail or fax the to the office indicated below or on the form.

All forms should be submitted to:

TAG HR/Benefits Manager
The Animation Guild
1105 N. Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505-2528
fax: (818) 843-0300
email: 401k@tag839.org

If you have questions about any of these forms, email the TAG HR/Benefits Manager or contact her by phone at (818) 845-7500.  To avoid confusion, mistakes and delays, please do not submit a form until your questions about it have been answered.

Disney Auto-enrollment events – current for 01/01/2024 and past 01/01/22 and 01/01/19

Click here to read more about auto-enrollment at Disney.


Warner Bros. Auto-enrollment event (01/01/20)

Click here to read more about auto-enrollment at Warner Bros.



Easy Enrollment Form

Simple, one-step, first-time enrollment form.

View Form


Long-Format Enrollment/Change Form

This full-service long form can be used to:
1) Enlist as a new participant
2) Change the percentage and/or of contributions taken out of your paycheck (including reducing contributions to zero)
3) Change the designated employer authorized to make 401(k) deductions

Note: Do not use this form to change how your funds are invested.  To change how your funds are invested contact Vanguard.

View Form


Full-Feature Enrollment Kit

This kit includes the Long-Format Enrollment/Change Form, Plan Highlights, information to help you choose between Pre-tax (traditional) or Roth 401(k), and allows you to decide how to allocate your contributions between all of the available investment options.

View Packet


Comprehensive Details of All Current Investment Choices

Comprehensive details of all current investment choices can be found here


Summary Plan Description

A summary of the principle features and provisions of the Plan in plain language.

Download PDF



To begin taking distributions from the TAG 401(k) plan, contact Vanguard.


Fee Disclosure Notice

Information regarding the fees that will be charged to your account for administration of the plan.  It is important to also review your quarterly account statement for disclosure of the dollar amount charged to your account for these services and a description of the services to which these fees relate.

Download PDF


Investment Policy Statement

The Investment Policy Statement assists the Trustees of The Animation Guild 401(k) Plan in supervising, monitoring, and evaluating the investment alternatives of the Plan.

Download PDF



These forms can not be submitted through the web site.  You can save the forms as a .pdf and email them or print them out and mail or fax the to the office indicated below or on the form.

All forms should be submitted to:

TAG HR/Benefits Manager
Animation Guild 401(k) Plan
1105 N. Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505-2528
fax: (818) 843-0300
email: 401k@tag839.org

If you have questions about any of these forms, email the TAG HR/Benefits Manager or contact her by phone at (818) 845-7500.  To avoid confusion, mistakes and delays, please do not submit a form until your questions about it have been answered.