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Monthly Archives: December 2020

Home for the Holidays: Staying away from work can be hard!

Alexandra Drosu / December 14, 2020

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Chances are, you’ve been working from home for the past nine months. Half-dressed kids or needy pets still occasionally pop up in your Zoom meetings, but overall, TAG members have done a pretty good job of creating a healthy work-life balance. But what if you want to tip that scale completely to one side and…

Support the IATSE Toy Drive

Alexandra Drosu / December 8, 2020

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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our IATSE Live Entertainment Union sisters and brothers have faced prolonged unemployment with an unforeseeable end in sight. As we all know, the ramifications of long term unemployment can be devastating. For those of us who have been lucky enough to weather the COVID-19 storm, this is our chance to…