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Monthly Archives: September 2020

Helping Members Stay Active

Alexandra Drosu / September 21, 2020

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Teri Cusumano shares details of a new proposal the Family and Membership Committee will be presenting to the membership at the General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 29th. For the last nine months, I have been on maternity leave. Although I had to step away from work temporarily in order to adequately care for my…

What does “On Call” mean?

Alexandra Drosu /

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It is not uncommon for animation studios to hire employees under the “On Call” provisions of our agreement. But what exactly is “On Call”?  The Fair Labor Standards Act is the labor law that, among the many things it established, brought wage minimums and overtime into the US workplace. Since its enactment in 1938, amendments…

No on 22, Yes on 15!

Alexandra Drosu / September 8, 2020

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With all that’s in the news around this year’s election, you may not have heard much about two upcoming propositions on the ballot. To save jobs and demand good wages, the LA County Federation of Labor is recommending YES on Prop 15 and NO on Prop 22. Big corporations are spending hundreds of millions of dollars…