At the recent D2 Convention held on Saturday, October 24th, The Animation Guild delegates submitted four resolutions to the assembly and all four passed. Here we briefly summarize the resolutions.
Resolution to Research Health Insurance Inclusion of Autism Spectrum Disorder Screening, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Intervention In Our Health Insurance Plans
IATSE members and their dependents struggling with Autism are faced with a lack of assistance from our collectively bargained health plans, as those plans do not provide sufficient or any coverage for Autism care. This resolution engages all Locals to explore options for Autism services coverage in our health insurance and present them to the appropriate leaders and members of Boards of Directors for inclusion in our health plans.
Resolution to Research Job-Protected, Paid Family Leave For Inclusion In The IATSE Collective Bargaining Agreements
Our union includes diverse membership with a variety of family care needs, including care for new children (newborn, adopted, or fostered) and seriously ill family members. Many IATSE members may not qualify for federal or state family leave protections, due to the seasonal or intermittent nature of our work. Paid parental leave benefits both employers and employees through improved female employee retention, gender equality, and productivity in the workplace, and fewer instances of absenteeism. Since our Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) do not include family leave the Locals of IATSE District 2 commit to researching the inclusion of job-protected, paid family leave in our various CBAs.
Resolution to Amend Governing Documents To Achieve Greater Inclusivity
The IATSE has committed to creating an inclusive working environment where differences are valued and equality is celebrated. In order to continue this effort, this resolution commits the Locals of IATSE District 2 to amend our District’s and Locals’ governing documents to instead utilize the singular “they, them, theirs” pronouns throughout for greater inclusion for all and to better promote and reflect the diversity within this organization.
Resolution To Address Police Violence
Police violence disproportionately affects poor and disenfranchised Black, Brown, Latinx, and Indigenous workers. Since police unions exist under the same umbrella as the IATSE, under the AFL-CIO, this resolution pursues drafting and publishing a statement which urges the AFL-CIO to pursue disciplinary actions (possibly including disassociation) against police and their unions for the epidemic of violence that has been perpetrated against working people. Additionally, this resolution unequivocally states that we stand in solidarity with all oppressed peoples and victims of police brutality.