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Verdugo Jobs Center Layoff Resources

Kim Fay / November 6, 2023

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On November 1, Tina Hartyon of the Verdugo Jobs Center led a webinar on resources available to people who have been laid off and are applying for or receiving Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits. Along with Hartyon, speakers included Jesse Maldonado of the Burbank Public Library’s Job Connect and Jose Sayula of EDD, Glendale Workforce.

Tina Hartyon
Case Worker
Verdugo Jobs Center
1255 South Central Avenue
Glendale, CA 91204

Jesse Maldonado
Career Development Facilitator
Job Connect, Burbank Public Library

Jose Sayula
Employment Program Representative/UI Navigator
California State Employment Development Department
1255 South Central Avenue
Glendale, CA 91204
818-409-0441 x 3 (main number)

Verdugo Jobs Center
Contact: Tina Hartyon

Located in Glendale, the Verdugo Jobs Center serves the Glendale, Burbank, and La Canada area, but can provide services to anyone living in Los Angeles County. This tends to be the “home office” for those in the entertainment industry. If you are not in this area, you can look up the Job Center nearest you on the EDD one-stop locater.

If you are approved to receive UI or are receiving UI benefits, Verdugo Jobs Center can help you find free opportunities to upgrade your skills and transition back to work. If you have a current job title (for example, you are an Art Director or a Storyboard Artist), and your resume supports this title, training helps you upgrade skills in your area and transition back into your same field. Training opportunities will be related to the same industry you are currently in and can range from 12 weeks to six months.

All of the no-cost training options Verdugo Jobs Center can assist with can be found on the CalJobs website. Keep in mind that not all trainings on the CalJobs website are available through the Verdugo Jobs Center.

Once you contact the Verdugo Jobs Center, a case worker can guide you in choosing the most appropriate training to upgrade your skill set, transition you back into the workforce, and help you remain competitive for at least the next three years.

For the jobs that Verdugo Jobs Center can assist with, keep in mind that the center pays for the following:

  • A maximum of six months training.
  • A maximum of $7,500 for training.
  • One training per person, no matter the cost.

For enrollment eligibility and to search for available training, go to the CalJobs website and register. Registration will require the following:

  • Valid ID and social security card or passport
  • Current resume
  • Unemployment (EDD) information; for this you can take a screenshot of your EDD page with your name and benefits history.
  • Males also need to provide Selective Service waiver because the programs here receive government funding. A Verdugo Jobs Center case worker can help locate this waiver.

Many of the programs are 100% virtual, and some offer recordings so that you have the option of watching recordings when you are unable to attend a live class.

Burbank Public Library Job Connect
Contact: Jesse Maldonado

The Burbank Public Library offers in-depth career services. You can schedule a one-on-one for career guidance, career development, resume help, and more. The library can also refer you to the Verdugo Jobs Center.

Additional offerings include free Wi-Fi, free fax, free scanning, and private meeting rooms at the Central Branch.

EDD Workforce Services – Unemployment Benefits Assistance
Contact: Jose Sayula

The EDD Workforce Services Glendale Branch partners with agencies such as the Verdugo Jobs Center and the Burbank Public Library.  This office helps answer questions regarding unemployment benefits. In addition, this Workforce Services branch offers all the equipment you need for getting back to work, including the use of computers, printers, fax machines, and phones—available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Paid for through state taxes, all services are free.

One of the benefits of taking a training program through CalJobs is that it can enable you to extend your UI. Verdugo Jobs Center will help you—once you start training—to fill out the form to verify that you are in an eligible training program. Contact the Verdugo Jobs Center and schedule a one-on-one appointment with a case worker. The next steps will all be done over the phone.

Applying for UI and Extending Benefits

When you first apply for UI, you will be required to register with the CalJobs system with 21 days of applying. This is how the state verifies that you are looking for work.

***It’s important to note that when you apply for UI, you will be asked if you are in school or interested in attending school. Check yes. This puts a note on your claim record that can be used in the future to make sure you are eligible for free training that extends your unemployment benefits if you are in training when your regular benefits run out.

  • If you already receive UI, you can go back and mark that you are in school or interested in school, but this must be done before you are paid for your 16th week of benefits.
  • If you’re not sure if you marked this selection, you can call the EDD Workforce Services office.
  • If you are approved for training, you are not required to look for work while you concentrate on the training.
  • If you checked yes that you are in training or interested in training (by the required deadline), and if you run out of regular benefits while your training is still taking place, the California Training Benefits (CTB) will be triggered and provide additional weeks of UI for a maximum of 26 weeks.
  • If your UI has run out and you are just learning about this, unfortunately you are not eligible for an extension of benefits.

Once you have applied for UI, you will receive a packet from EDD. If you are interested in training, you will be able to access approved schools and programs that may be eligible for free tuition and to extend your benefits.  

EDD looks favorably on those who take the time to address skills gaps or upgrade skills while looking for work. This translates to an extension of benefits paid to you at the same level as your regular benefits.

Applicants can apply for UI on the phone, online, or through a paper application. You can do all the paperwork yourself, or you can work directly with the Verdugo Jobs Center, and they will assist you with all the paperwork. The latter is recommended.

Some classes might be one day a week; some might be more. Many classes are solely online. When you register for a class, consider the feasibility of finishing it if you are searching for a job. If you are in the midst of training and go back to work, you can ask your employer if they will give you the ability to continue your training. If the employer pushes back, you can reach out to TAG at this form, and TAG will advocate on your behalf for you to finish training.

How Unemployment Insurance Benefits Work

UI will not replace your income. Benefits are capped at $450 a week, and they can be as low as $40 a week; it is based on your employment history.

Once you are approved, you have one year to take advantage of your benefits; regular benefits provide 12-26 weeks of payments within a 12-month period. You can take your payments consecutively, or if you work during some of that period, you can spread the payments out for the weeks you are not working.

While receiving UI, you have to report every week whether or not you worked, and if you worked, how many hours and what you earned. If you are working part-time, you might still be eligible to receive partial payment. If you earn more than $600 a week, you will not be eligible for any payment.

UI benefits are paid by a direct deposit to your bank or an EBT card.

The Unemployment Insurance Division is not open to the public at all. All business is done over the phone, and it is not easy to reach someone for assistance. It’s highly recommended to reach out to the Verdugo Jobs Center or Jose Sayula.

Small Businesses

EDD Workforce Services also works with single contractors doing 1099 work who want to expand their business. They can help you pre-screen applicants, submit job requests, provide employer services team for recruitment, and more.


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