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Free Money!

Steve Hulett / March 18, 2015

tax incentivesvfx / no comments

The bidding war for movies and television work continues. UK Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne today unveiled improved incentives for the film, TV and videogame business as he delivered his final budget before the country’s general election May 7. The government has increased the rate of film tax relief to 25% for all qualifying…

Changes To Target Date Funds (TAG 401K)

Steve Hulett / March 6, 2015

401k plan / one comment

The Vanguard Target Date Funds, which most Animation Guild 401(k) participants are using, will be changing their investment lineups in coming months. Right now, the Target Date Funds stock allocations are invested 70% in Total U.S. Stock Market and 30% in International Stocks. By the end of 2015, that will change to 60% U.S. stocks…

Gordon Kent, RIP

Steve Hulett / March 5, 2015

RIP / 5 comment

One of the really hard workers in animation, and really good guys, passed away early this morning. Gordon Kent succumbed in the fight for his life at 2:00 A.M., after a long, heroic struggle. He was surrounded by his loving wife and soulmate, Donna, his sister Vickie, and her husband Jim. Gordon jumped into animation…

The Anthem Hack

Steve Hulett / February 8, 2015

Internet SecurityMPI / no comments

You have no doubt heard by now that a large swath of the population got singed by the reported hack of Anthem Insurance. Almost every entertainment union had members that were affected, and the Animation Guild was no exception. Although there’s not much substantive to report, the guild sent the following to members: You are…

Speaking of Transitions

Steve Kaplan / February 5, 2015

Sony / no comments

It isn’t just Robert Iger who’ll be ambling on Sony has just confirmed that Amy Pascal is stepping down from her position as co-chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment and chairman of the Motion Picture Group, and that she will launch a new production venture at the studio. Pascal will transition to the new venture in…

The TAG 401(k) Plan

Steve Hulett / February 3, 2015

401k plan / no comments

The Animation Guild’s 401(k) Plan quarterly trustee meeting took place on Monday; herewith useful factoids for participants: Total Plan Assets 1st Quarter 2014 — $213,826,678 4th Quarter 2014 — $230,542,543 Average Participant Balance 1st Quarter 2014 — $87,778 4th Quarter 2014 — $92,476 Total Participants 2,493 The trustees met on Monday afternoon where they discussed…

Jack Thomas Elected As TAG President

Steve Kaplan / January 28, 2015

TAG NewsUnion News / no comments

Animation Guild Vice President Jack Thomas was elected President of the guild tonight at TAG’s January General Membership meeting. Mr. Thomas was nominated by the membership and elected by white ballot. Outgoing Animation Guild President Nathan Loofbourrow resigned as President at the end of 2014. As required by the guild’s constitution, an election was held…

President Emeritus Sito Speaks

Steve Hulett / January 25, 2015

Business SavvyDreamworks / no comments

Mr. Sito today on his facebook page: With the layoffs at Sony and Dreamworks, some animators fear this is “the End of All Things”. But layoffs are just another part of being in animation. I was laid off many times. When I first arrived in LA, the biggest, stablest studios were Hanna & Barbera, DePatie…

Guild Presidential Election at next Membership Meeting!

Steve Kaplan / January 16, 2015

Union News / no comments

At the December Executive Board meeting, Guild President Nathan Loofbourrow announced his intention to resign his office. According to Article 6, Section 9(a) of our Constitution and By-Laws, the presidential vacancy must be filled at the January General Membership meeting. Any eligible member of the Guild has the opportunity to be nominated and elected at…

The Attack on Cartoonists

Steve Hulett / January 7, 2015

Uncategorized / no comments

… today in Paris: Masked gunmen attacked the Paris offices of satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday, killing 12 people before fleeing. French security forces launched a major manhunt in the capital after the gunmen fled the scene of the attack, The Guardian reported. Police are searching for two brothers from the Paris region…

Adapting to a Changing Business

Steve Hulett / December 29, 2014

Business Savvy / no comments

Artists have to do it as much as anyone, here in the 21st century. … AS THE BUSINESS of comics syndication has changed, tethered as much as it is to the fate and fortunes of newspapers, it has been especially great to see cartoonists enjoy opportunities in other creative realms in 2014. “Doonesbury’s” Garry Trudeau…

Non-Photographic Director of Photography

Steve Hulett / December 23, 2014

Uncategorized / one comment

I’m sorry, but I find this a bit odd. The key live-action title has gaining traction in the animation business after years of being seen as a largely live-action only task. This year the field of computer animation passed a milestone when Pixar’s Sharon Calahan became the first director of photography whose work has been…